Cybercrime Training Competences Framework

Online Investigator

Actor Description

These officers are tasked with monitoring the digital world and proposing new topics and cases to investigate, as well as carrying out or supporting the investigations. A large part of their work may consist of requesting and processing data from third parties, reviewing and analysing information and documents and cross-referencing these with law enforcement data.

They should be trained in classical intelligence techniques, collection of open source intelligence and they should also have training in technical topics such as tracing suspects, obfuscation, encryption principles and anti-forensics techniques. Some online investigator positions also involve crime scene examinations and seizures of storage devices.

MethodTraining requirements

  • Advanced cybercrime awareness

  • Advanced knowledge of legal and jurisdiction issues

  • Processing of digital evidence while maintaining the chain of evidence

  • Advanced open source investigation

  • Social networks investigation

  • Advanced network forensics

  • Report drafting skills

  • Undercover investigations

  • Scripting/programming

  • Interviewing skills

  • Evidence presentation