Cybercrime Training Competences Framework
ECTEG is an International Non Profit Association, supported by EU funding, whose members - LEA IT crime specialists, universities, centres of excellence, the Internet industry, European and international organisations - coordinate and support the development and delivery of technical operational training courses for LEA specialists at various levels .
The development process run by ECTEG members, involves topic experts from all EU countries and leads to the creation of training packages, including trainer and student manuals, presentations and practical exercises. Existing package updates are identified by members based on their daily field experience and priorities set by an advisory group where CEPOL and Europol-EC3 are permanently represented.
ECTEG packages are available on request for EU and non-EU LE who plan to organise IT forensics or IT crime training courses.
Beside course materials developement and updates, ECTEG maintains a group of specialised trainers and contributes to the development of software tools to facilitate training, education and capacity building.