Cybercrime Training Competences Framework
Europol - European CyberCrime Centre
The European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) was launched in January 2013. The establishment of EC3 was a priority in the EU Internal Security Strategy .
EC3 is designed to be the focal point in the fight against cybercrime in the Union and support the EU MS and institutions in building operational and analytical capacity for investigation and cooperation with international partners.
Furthermore, in the Commission communication to the Council on the establishment of EC3, whose mandate also includes “pooling European cybercrime expertise to support Member States in capacity building”, EC3 should “assist Member States with expertise and training to curb cybercrime” .
EC3 currently supports two signature training courses: the Europol Training course on Combating Online Sexual Exploitation of Children and the Europol Training Course on Open Source IT Forensics.
The centre aims to broaden its portfolio by supporting the creation of training courses in the areas of payment card fraud forensics, cybercrime management and a training course for first responders.